RT-AFF Welcomes New Board Member Sanjay Srikantiah

Sanjay Srikantiah, Patti Klein and Michael Holmes (Burke UMC)

We are very pleased to welcome Sanjay Srikantiah to the Rebuilding Together-AFF Board of Directors. Sanjay works in the Financial Services Industry.

Sanjay learned about RT-AFF at a Community Foundation for Northern Virginia meeting where Patti Klein, RT-AFF Executive Director, was accepting a grant award. Sanjay was struck by Patti’s passion for bringing safe and healthy housing to low-income members of our community and was excited to be invited to visit a National Rebuilding Day project. “The homeowner was a senior citizen who adopted her grandson, and they needed a lot of accessibility modifications and repairs to their home,” said Sanjay. “The Burke United Methodist Church team did incredible work but what really struck me was how they connected with the homeowner. I could see that this was a life-changing experience for her, and the compassion shown by the volunteers was remarkable.”

“I’m blessed that I haven’t had to worry about much in my life,” said Sanjay, “but as I watch my parents aging in a far-away city, I understand how senior citizens can become isolated.” He continued by saying “I know that there’s a lot of unmet need in our community. I’m happy to join the RT-AFF board so I can contribute to solutions to help people who don’t have resources to be able to live safely in their own homes.”
Sanjay grew up near Columbus, Ohio, and brings with him 15 years of experience with non-profits, government and the private sector. He’s had a very interesting career including serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kazakhstan, studying Russian at a university in Russia, and then earning a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. After earning his MA degree he returned to Kazakhstan to work for US AID. He joined the Department of State after returning to the US and worked with them for six years, during which time he earned his MBA in Finance at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business and subsequently took a job in the private sector. Sanjay brings a strong financial background to RT-AFF and is looking forward to working on new fundraising opportunities and connecting RT-AFF with new partners in the business community.

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