Every homeowner is special. So is every home. That’s why we customize every project based on the repairs and modifications needed. Our repairs usually focus on:

Aging in Place

Most of our homeowners are seniors, so preventing falls is a top priority. We install grab bars, stair rails, comfort height toilets and brighter lighting.

Fire Safety

No one wants to lose their home to a fire. We protect families from fires and injuries with our repairs.

Installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors • Venting clothes dryers safety outside • Mounting fire extinguishers

Accessibility Modifications

Many people with disabilities and seniors with mobility issues have difficulty moving about safely in their homes. We improve accessibility and safety, so everyone has the freedom to enjoy where they live.

Building rampsBuilding half steps and handrailsInstalling grab barsWidening doorwaysInstalling lever handles on doorsInstalling stair glides

Energy Upgrades

Low-income homeowners can save money with simple energy fixes. We save energy and reduce utility bills through our repairs.

Sealing air leaks Weatherstripping windows and doorsInstalling door sweepsInsulating pipes  • Replacing light bulbs with LEDs

Basic Repairs

Minor problems can really add up in a home. Our repair teams fix these safety hazards, so they don’t become greater dangers down the road.

GuttersDrainage  • CarpentryPlumbingElectricalFlooringRoofs

Community Revitalization

Making our community strong is what Rebuilding Together is all about. We improve parks, playgrounds, community gardens and nonprofit facilities.

Interested in learning more about our services that we offer?